Nutritionist - Liam Leech - weight loss - letterkenny - donegal - oranges on blue background

How being overweight affects your quality of life

Excess weight can have a profoundly negative impact on our self-worth and overall mental health. It is not all about how you look though.

Being overweight will increase your risk of developing conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.

Losing this excess weight will improve your mental health and reduce your risk of developing these conditions.

If you are overweight, then weight loss will benefit the following:

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes

  • Menopause-related weight gain

  • Hypertension

  • High cholesterol

  • Male and female fertility issues

  • Longevity and vitality as we age

Personal Nutrition

What is this?

This service is designed to support regular people, like you, trying to lose weight but have found it difficult in the past. Modern life is busy and it's not easy to lose weight if you are unsure where to start. Allow me to help get you there.

Through this process, I will help you to finally lose that body fat, and you’ll understand how keep it off long term.

What can you expect from this?

  • Ongoing support, with no contract to sign and no minimum term involved.

  • You will have 1:1 support throughout the process:

  • Expect periodised nutrition planning

  • Daily check-ins

  • Video updates and live calls whenever you need

  • Open contact with me throughout the duration, to guide you through the process


This service is offered in 4-week blocks at €195 per block.

This includes all consultations, personalised resources and ongoing support. You can cancel at any time, with no minimum term required!

Let’s make your dream weight a reality. Click:

What my clients say…

“I’ll never forget when in April of this year, while planning a weekend away, I realised the clothes I was packing to take with me were all too tight!  Exasperated, I knew I could depend on my ‘good dress’, my special occasion one!  But when I put it on I cried!  It would hardly zip up on me.  I felt awful. I had a wedding coming up in September…I thought that Liam would be a good person to talk to.

…The wedding was 2 weeks ago. I tried on my ‘good dress’ once more, and it fitted perfectly!! I was thrilled to bits. If I hadn’t gone to Liam for advice, I would have been still exercising and cutting down on food and getting nowhere and getting more depressed. Best decision ever, I would strongly recommend him to anyone that needs advice and help.” 

— Marina Doherty

Let’s make your dream weight a reality: