What my clients say

A little insight into their experience and why they came to me

“..my experience with him could not have gone any better, I'm well on my way towards a much healthier lifestyle and Liam has been a joy to work with.”

“I decided I wanted to shift some weight I've been carrying for far too long and got in touch with Liam.

He has made this process very easy, with straightforward explanations and setting realistic goals. My experience with him could not have gone any better, I'm well on my way towards a much healthier lifestyle and Liam has been a joy to work with..”

Patrick Kennedy

Lost 8kg ( 1 stone 4lbs)

“..12 weeks and 2 stone while feeling fit and well throughout it's been a great journey…”

“Went to Liam for a program to lose weight and the get nutrition advice for training. 12 weeks and 2 stone while feeling fit and well throughout it's been a great journey. Regardless of whether it's for training, health or general wellbeing it's probably the best money you will ever spend.”

Pat Brady

“I was apprehensive at first but Liam quickly put my mind at ease with his calm and positive attitude..I lost over 20 lbs. in an 8-week period with ‘No Nonsense Nutrition’… ”

“I contacted Liam to help me lose weight, after a friend recommended him. I was apprehensive at first but Liam quickly put my mind at ease with his calm and positive attitude. He provided me with strategies and targets and helped me to be more conscious of the food that I was eating. He became a great source of encouragement. He was easily contactable and his responses were prompt and helpful.  

I lost over 20 lbs. in an 8-week period with ‘No Nonsense Nutrition’ but more importantly, the support that I received has put me on a more sustainable path, providing me with a mindset that has enabled me to keep losing weight, while still enjoying my food. Liam is truly interested in his clients and was brilliant to deal with. 

The best money I’ve ever spent!  Highly recommend! 


Odhrán, Letterkenny

Lost 12kg (1 stone 12lbs)

“He took away all the stress and worry I previously used to have cutting down weight for a weigh-in. From our constant conversations and check-ins I always knew I was moving in the right direction and if things needed changing or adapting, Liam would take care of it.. I never felt restricted or limited when it came to my food. I found the weekly video updates really interesting and kept me motivated to continue on the way I was going..”

I worked with Liam for 16 weeks in the lead up to my first weightlifting competition after a long period away from the sport with injury.

I came into the start of the 16 weeks probably with probably the worst body composition of my life. I hadn't thought about my nutrition for a very long time and was a large chunk above my preferred weight category. From our initial consultation Liam put me at complete ease with the process, he clearly outlined the path we were going to take moving forward to get me in the best shape for my competition and I immediately felt like I had someone in my corner who was as invested in my progress as I was.

Having Liam became invaluable in my build up to comp day. He took away all the stress and worry I previously used to have cutting down weight for a weigh-in. From our constant conversations and check-ins I always knew I was moving in the right direction and if things needed changing or adapting, Liam would take care of it. He made the nutritional guidelines I had easy and simple to follow, I never felt restricted or limited when it came to my food. I found the weekly video updates really interesting and kept me motivated to continue on the way I was going.

Because of Liams help and guidance, the nutrition side of things was an absolute breeze. I got back to the sport I love with one of my best platform performances. I really can't recommend Liam enough, whatever your nutrition goal is, he is the man you need in your corner.

Tom Loasby, UK

Lost 8.1kg (1 stone 4lbs)

“From my initial consultation I knew we would get on; Liam’s approach is straight forward and easy to follow. I lost over a stone in 12 weeks and not only have I maintained this loss I have continued to drop in weight..”

“I had been tracking my weight for over a year and while not making much effort to lose weight I knew the time was right to face the issue. I heard of Liam from a friend and contacted him with a view of losing weight, I wanted to improve my health and to feel better within myself.

From my initial consultation I knew we would get on; Liam’s approach is straight forward and easy to follow. The accountability of the programme and the support provided is what makes Liam so successful. I couldn’t recommend him enough, if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off, have no doubt, you will achieve this with Liam.

I lost over a stone in 12 weeks and not only have I maintained this loss I have continued to drop in weight, although my appearance hasn't changed much, I feel so much better and healthier. I have seen other platforms showing before and after pictures after a 12-week programme with incredible results but in reality, those results are not sustainable and often lead to further weight gain. Sign up with Liam, you will not regret it!”

Name withheld Female weight loss client, 35 yrs old

Lost 7.1kg (1 stone 2lbs)

“I loved that there was a focus on eating as opposed to not eating..The consultations were very thorough, easy to follow and packed with great information. I also felt very supported through the whole process and you kept me focused on the good that was being achieved!

“I came to you because I felt I had some grasp of what I needed to be focusing on nutritionally, but wanted some scientific data to back it up, and to teach me where I was going wrong. I loved that there was a focus on eating as opposed to not eating!

The consultations were very thorough, easy to follow and packed with great information. I also felt very supported through the whole process and you kept me focused on the good that was being achieved. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to improve their overall health and lose weight in a sustainable way.

Thanks again for everything! You were such a great support. 


“Getting signed up with Liam was the best move I made, it is easy to understand and the weekly updates and video calls are fantastic,  he sets realistic goals at a time and it doesn't overwhelm you.. I have almost 10kg off my initial weight,  you have to trust the process and it will happen..”

“I found Liam through a recommendation from a friend I was talking to about sports,  weight loss and general performance as a result of being closer to your ideal weight,  I was finding it difficult to sustain any weight loss after I'd simply crept up the scales in weight during the 2 years of Covid.

I needed several things in the person I would go to for my nutrition advice, so I knew  it was going to be difficult to find the right person and it was a stroke of luck Liam's name came up,  firstly I needed the accountability,  I also needed to learn the what kinds, the when's and the how much food I can have while keeping satisfied and still having enough fuel on board to keep me going during endurance types of sports. I was impressed with Liams presentation of our initial consultation,  it made so much sense, and the step by step process was explained really well. 

Getting signed up with Liam was the best move I made, it is easy to understand and the weekly updates and video calls are fantastic,  he sets realistic goals at a time and it doesn't overwhelm you,  Liam also is available for back up or for any questions you come up with at any time, it is not down to one or two things, it's lots of little changes and habits you have to adopt to get yourself on the right path, and believe me everything in your lifestyle will be looked at!

My weight loss journey remains ongoing , with the downwards trend continuing weekly, I have almost 10kg off my initial weight,  you have to trust the process and it will happen, and I'd seriously recommend Liam and no nonsense nutrition to get you to your goals.”

Eugene, Letterkenny

Lost 7.5kg (1 stone 3lbs)

“He was very patient, knowledgeable and passionate about his approach, and much to the surprise of my doctor with Liam’s help I got both my cholesterol and blood pressure down and no longer need the medication.”

“I could not recommend Liam more highly. I had been diagnosed with hypertension and high cholesterol at age 81 for the first time, and prescribed medication which I wanted to get off asap.

Liam developed an eating and exercise plan to meet my specific needs which he explained to me in the simplest of terms and which I was able to grasp and implement without feeling overwhelmed or deprived.

He was very patient, knowledgeable and passionate about his approach and much to the surprise of my doctor with Liam’s help I got both my cholesterol and blood pressure down and no longer need the medication.

My weight is now stable and I have much more energy. I can’t thank Liam enough for helping me to feel so well.”

B. McCusker

“…I was thrilled (as well as my consultant) when I met my target weight on time and more importantly I have been able to maintain it. A true credit to Liam’s method and practice….My life has truly changed for the better and I feel confident, healthy and in control of weight management. I just wish I had contacted him sooner.”

“I got in contact with Liam following a meeting with my IVF consultant who advised me I had to lose 2-3 stone in advance of commencing IVF. Covid lockdowns and prior hormonal treatment hadn’t been kind to my body and I struggled to shift weight due to my PCOS. 

I had never contacted a nutritionist prior so wasn’t sure what to expect but Liam was on it straight away including a clear understanding of PCOS and it’s impact on my goal. I am convinced Liam should be teaching in schools so we understand the importance of nutrition early.  Liam devised a plan which importantly I was able to follow during tougher times (Christmas, trips away etc) and was on hand to support me right from buying supplements through to the wobbly days (which was inevitable).

I was thrilled (as well as my consultant) when I met my target weight on time and more importantly I have been able to maintain it. A true credit to Liam’s method and practice. I cannot recommend him enough and will always be thankful for his no-nonsense approach to overhauling my relationship with food. My life has truly changed for the better and I feel confident, healthy and in control of weight management. I just wish I had contacted him sooner..”

Name withheld, weight loss client for IVF & PCOS

Lost 9.1kg (1 stone 6lbs)

“Within 12 weeks I had dropped two dress sizes!!!.” 

Having had the pleasure of enlisting the help of Liam, right from the very start he made me feel very comfortable with the one to one process. His level of knowledge on this subject is second to none.

I have tried all the slimming clubs but they just never worked for me, feeling so unfit & over weight my mental and physical well being had started to drop. I started following a tailored approach by Liam straight away. I realized I could do this, immediately my mindset changed and I began feeling better about myself.

Within 12 weeks I had dropped two dress sizes!!!

Liam continues to support me and answers any questions I have. I look forward to losing more.  Thank you Liam


Lost 11.3kg or 1 stone 11lbs

“It is the best money I have ever spent, worth every penny…Go Go Go! Make the call, worth it..” 

It was pure luck that I discovered Liam Leech. All my life dieting and what a waste of time that was. Liam has changed my association with food, he has shown me that with the correct mind set you can eat and socialise and still loose weight and be healthier.

You are probably thinking like I did 'oh heard all this before', well you are correct but I found from my very first meeting with Liam I felt motivated and excited with his confidence in me that I would reach my goal by the end of the 12 week programme and he was correct I did loose 2 stone! 

I am more aware of the importance of nutrition in my everyday life and a little exercise goes a long way. You do not have to take up marathons etc. but if you have over indulged at the weekend do a little extra walk or swim or whatever you enjoy but it makes a difference knowing you can go out and socialise and still loose weight. I am so happy I contacted Liam as I feel so much healthier and there is no nicer feeling than going shopping and clothes actually fitting you. 

Had I not made that call to Liam it scares me to think what unhealthy weight I would be today. It is the best money I have ever spent, worth every penny.  Five months later and I am enjoying life and managing to stay within my goal.

Go Go Go! Make the call, worth it, thank you Liam.


Lost 13kg (2 stone 1lb)

“If I hadn’t gone to Liam for advice, I would have been still exercising and cutting down on food and getting nowhere and getting more depressed.” 

“I’m 56 years old and prided myself in never having to diet or think about my weight. I’ll never forget when in April of this year, while planning a weekend away, I realised the clothes I was packing to take with me were all too tight!  Exasperated, I knew I could depend on my ‘good dress’, my special occasion one!  I put it on and I cried!  It would hardly zip up on me.  I had a wedding coming up in early September.  I knew I had to do something.  I felt awful.  All the weight was around my stomach and I was constantly bloated. I decided to exercise more, walking big miles every day and also to cut back on my food intake.  I couldn’t understand it when the weight wouldn’t move.  It did not make sense.

On my initial visit in late July he put me at ease straight away.  He assured me that as long as I would work with him he would sort me out.  It was great to talk on a one-to-on basis rather than in a crowded room.  Everything was private and confidential.

When I left Liam, the information he provided was very easy to understand. I haven’t felt bloated once since I changed my eating habits. I have been back twice to Liam.  Each time I have been weighed I have lost some weight!  The weight that I lost was the weight around my stomach! It seems strange to say it, but I have been eating more and I have lost weight. I have never felt better.  I now love food.  

The wedding was 2 weeks ago.  I bought an outfit for it in August but my heart wasn’t in it.  I tried on my ‘good dress’ once more, and it fitted perfectly, so I wore it!!. I was thrilled to bits. If I hadn’t gone to Liam for advice, I would have been still exercising and cutting down on food and getting nowhere and getting more depressed. 

Best decision ever, I would strongly recommend him to anyone that needs advice and help”.  

Marina Doherty

“the information that was presented to me has been absolutely crucial in my overall successes”

“As an athlete looking to represent on the global and international stage, all areas of my life have to be managed and treated as professionally as possible, I came to Liam in search of bettering my performance in terms of nutrition health and lifestyle. Liam has guided me to enhancing my training through a number of ways and I have achieved all of my set goals from increasing performance in the gym and in throwing shot put, identifying my weak areas and nutritional deficiencies and improving upon them, balancing the correct intake for my body and through some amazing research and findings has tailored a unique program and recommendations to suit my goals and planning.

I found my first consultation and all others after to be very professional, enlightening, friendly and simplistic, reaching out to me on new levels for my development. Liam took amazing care in his research and tests and took great effort in demonstrating and explaining the findings and results to me. The process was extremely easy to follow through some very smart and simple changes to my everyday lifestyle and diet, each with results almost within the first 6 weeks.

I have worked with a number of nutritionists and other trained professionals before and none have been as dedicated and thorough in their research as Liam has been, the information that was presented to me has been absolutely crucial in my overall successes and all-round improvements over the period of time i have been working with Liam, and he has become an essential part of the team that makes me strive towards my goals and my developments into the long term goals.

The research and consideration taken by Liam cannot be stressed enough in the depth of knowledge and excellence throughout, the innovative thought taken in tailoring and improving me has been amazing. I could not recommend Liam enough and will be sure to get as much people that are interested in achieving their nutritional and lifestyle goals in sport on-board and in contact with Liam.

Thank you very much for all of the work and thought invested in my development and I look forward to continue working with you into the future years”.

John Kelly

Irish International Athlete, Track & Field

“it made a real difference to my everyday life and training”

“I do adventure races mostly, training about 4 days a week.

I thought I ate well but still didn’t seem to have much energy for training or everyday things so decided to go to Liam for some advice.

A very nice fella to sit down with and he explained a lot to me very simply. He followed up our meeting with an email explaining what I needed to change specific to me , it turned out I ate fairly well but not at the best times for my training.

I went back to him after another 4 weeks and we changed things slightly to suit as my training was getting better and more intense, I still see him as my schedule changes and he always points me in the right direction.

I can honestly say it made a real difference to my everyday life and training. I’m planning on doing triathlons now my diet is right. I’m feeling a lot lot better, way more energetic, eating more and still have lost some weight. 

I couldn’t recommend Liam highly enough.” 

Mickey Crossan

Performance nutrition client

email: liam@NoNonsenseNutrition.ie

phone: 087 6732726

Based in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal